January 12, 2005
While diving, have you ever had the wonderful experience to come face to face with a sea lion, or have one swim towards you playing a game of chicken, only to turn away at the last second? Have you ever felt the tug on your fin thinking it’s your dive buddy only to look back and find it was a sea lion playing a game of tag? We have all come to love these clowns of the sea. So, we came to learn more about these creatures and what happens when they get sick or injured. The Marine Mammal Care Center spoke about seals and sea lions - We learned the difference between the two and how pollution affects their existence and survival. We also what to do when you come upon a sick and stranded sea lion. Our Dive Club Meeting was a great success. Thanks to all who donated to this worthy cause... This was the most Successful Club presentation in the History of the Center and they extend a Heart Felt "Thanks" to Pacific Wilderness Dive Club and its' Member who Contributed! The Marine Mammal Care Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of sick and injured seals and sea lions.
Marine Mammal Care Center Representative Margaret Pomeroy Delivers an Excellent Presentation |
Dive Club President Kevin Crosier Presents Margaret Pomeroy with Our Dive Club's "Certificate of Appreciation" |
Donations for the Marine Mammal Center were the Highest Ever Received Good Job Members! |